RM50.00 merdeka logo vs non merdeka logo
Two different sizes of signature. The first one, slightly shorter and the second signature is slightly longer. Looking at the two signatures, the first one in the red box is RM50.00 "merdeka logo" and the second one in blue box is without "merdeka logo".
Nice notes.
ReplyDeleteApart from the font size on the signature, there are also few alterations on this 2009 prints (without commemorative logo). The Agong's portrait is slimmer, the hologram strip is shifted to the right (not center any more), The security threat is wider and of course both the logo and the years 1957-1997 have been removed. I am sure you are aware of this.
There might be more, but one will have to examine both notes closely.
Have fun!
hi there...thanks for dropping by. Yeah....I'm aware some of the changes of the notes as mentioned...since there are some technical problem on the merdeka logo prior to the changes.